2019 Annual Appeal
(October – December)
Staying in school is a challenge for children in rural areas. Parents are often unable to afford the cost of education and some children have to drop out at a very young age and are forced to work in factories, or farm as daily laborers with their parents in order to help meet the family’s expenses. Some have to help babysit their younger siblings so the parents can work, and some are forced into early marriage because of cultural beliefs and norms.
Life is harsh for children who drop out of school and they are at risk of ever being able to continue their education. Without this opportunity, life would only get worse. In an attempt to remedy this handicap for children in rural areas, ADRA supports schools in the camps with teaching and learning materials, school renovation and construction. Furthermore, ADRA provides a safe environment for girls at risk of labor exploitation, early marriage, and trafficking. This year’s annual appeal focuses on providing education for underprivileged children.