Reducing Non-Communicable Diseases Risks through a Joint Health Project of Mission Hospital and ADRA Thailand

by Oct 3, 2019News

On Wednesday, August 14, 2019, Dr. Anchee, Manager of Mission Hospital Wellness Center, shared the results of each participant who signed up to join the health project at the project trial phase closure meeting. 

Mission Hospital in collaboration with ADRA Thailand has been running the health project, Live More, for over thirteen weeks with twelve participants who voluntarily signed up for participation.

The project is a lifestyle changing program that seeks to demonstrate a sustainable reduction in non-communicable diseases risks for at-risk participants. The project started on May 10, 2019 and later in June 2019 the Faculty of Public Health at Mahidol University provided ethical approval in research on the benefit of the project. 

During the thirteen weeks participants are advised to follow an exercise, a diet plan and have at least eight hours of sleep everyday. As the participants are working in the hospital, it is a strong commitment they have to make so they have time to exercise, to sleep and to eat healthy food. 

The thirteen weeks journey hasn’t been easy as many of the participants have long busy days at work. “I am always so tired when I get back from work, and because I feel so tired I would eat a lot to make myself feel better. But when I joined this program I am able to remind myself to have more self control and to eat the amount I need,” said one of the participants, Khun Chalim Wongwirat. 

Exercising regularly and having a good night’s sleep are as challenging as eating  a healthy diet for some participants. Khun Papassorn Silpanisong said that it was difficult to sleep eight hours because she has so much to do and she would often sleep three to four hours when needed. “I really have to make a  schedule and set time for my daily routines and strictly follow it so I have time to exercise and have eight hours of sleep,” she added. 

Faithfully following the health program for thirteen weeks was not easy but the results were rewarding. “Looking at the before and after personal statistics of each participant, all participants have had a healthy change,” noted Dr. Anchalee. “After thirteen weeks we can see that they have lost weight and also their sugar level are lower, added Dr. Anchalee. 

Seeing the health benefits and  positive lifestyle changes of participants, LIVEMORE Project administrators are prepared and determined to launch the next phase of the project.
