refugee education

Since 1984, refugees from Myanmar have been fleeing to Thailand to escape conflict and human rights abuse. By December 2015 there were an estimated 103,803 refugees residing in nine government administered camps along the Thai-Myanmar border. The Royal Thai Government (RTG), who is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention, considers these refugees illegal migrants and does not allow them to go outside the camps or seek local integration into the Thai community. Refugees from Myanmar in Thailand have endured one of the longest protracted refugee situations in Asia resulting in most of the refugee population having no meaningful occupation or employable skills. As a result, refugees have significant social, psychological and protection concerns.
Vocational Training in Transition (VTiT)
The VTiT project aims to support coordination of livelihood activities, and in particular integrated vocational training, with all sectors active in the camps in order to support provision of basic services and income generation in the camps to prepare refugees for a future outside of the camps.
Basic Education Support towards Transition (BEST)
BEST is a project focused solely on the education of refugees by providing basic education services to refugee camps along the Thai-Myanmar border. The project improves resources and learning materials such as textbooks and stationary sets, as well as provide other educational needs to the students in 82 target schools. It will allow refugees to return home or remain in Thailand with the needed knowledge and skills to deal with everyday life.
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